A hibiscus is a very versatile colorful flower that beautifies your garden, serves as food and can also be used as medicine. Flower-hibiscus are easy to grow and care for. Because of its versatility you can grow and care for either inside your home, backyard or even balcony. There are about 200 different types of hibiscus all over the world that serve different purposes. However, there are 4 main widely known types of hibiscus which are tropical hibiscus, rose mallow, rose of Sharon and hardy hibiscus.
How does a hibiscus flower look like?
Flowers hibiscus are one of the most beautiful vibrant flowers out there. It is a big, colorful flower that is shaped like a trumpet. The color of the flowers varies from red hibiscus plant, peach hibiscus to yellow hibiscus plant. These colors depends on the type of flower. Tropical hibiscus has a vibrant red, rose of Sharon is white with a pink interior whereas, hardy hibiscus and rose mallow has a shade of pink. In a garden were everything is green, a hibiscus enhances color and beauty to any garden. The color attract bees, butterflies and hummingbirds which in turn aids the flowers to bloom.
Ideal conditions to grow hibiscus flowers?
Even though, it is a perennial plant that thrives in tropical conditions that should not stop you from planting your hibiscus flowers. These flowers are one of a kind, there can be grown in any climate. There have been crossbred which makes them capable to grow in a variety of climates. The ideal place to plant is an area with well-drained soil and has access to sunshine. For it to fully bloom it requires at least 6 hours of sunlight. The best temperature for high hibiscus plants to flower is between 16-32 degrees and it won’t survive below 0 degrees.
The 4 main types of hibiscus thrive in different conditions, for example, the rose of Sharon does well with moist soil. It requires urban condition with a partial shade. It usually blooms in fall and late summer. The hardy hibiscus does well in super-moist soils and partially moist soil but, it has to be watered regularly. The place has to be a wind sheltered as strong winds can break the stems. Additionally, it thrives in an environment that has enough heat, humidity and sunshine. Whereas the rose of mallow thrives in with moist soil and full sun. The flowers are lively and colorful, there start to bloom in midsummer.
It is versatile not only can you grow it in a garden, you can also grow it in hanging pots, as climbing plant or even on the balcony. Not having a garden cannot be an excuse for you not to plant hibiscus flowers.
How to care for a hibiscus

Hibiscus are perennial plants capable of lasting all year round. Hibiscus plants should be watered thoroughly and deeply. How often to water hibiscus? Well during blooming stage and in warm weather conditions hibiscus require a lot of water, they should be watered at least daily. Please note that the soil should be moist at all times not wet. When it is winter time, the hibiscus plant should be watered only when the soil is dry. In order to retain moisture and also protect the roots, you can cover the plant around with leaves and organic matter.
Care of hibiscus during winter, hibiscus plants should be protected from cold weather especially when the temperature drops to 0 degrees. Containers plants are actually easier to protect as you can simply put them indoors. However when you put them indoors they tend to over dry due to heat from the house. It is ideal that you water it more so that it survives. In order for them to thrive in winter, they need at least 2-3 hours of sunlight. Hence, they should be kept on a sunny window.
During the growing season the plants require a lot of nutrients so that they blossom well. There should be feed twice a month with plant food. When it comes to fertilizer you have the option of using either slow release fertilizer once a month or diluted fertilizer once a week. Both options are ideal. However, in winter there is no need to put fertilizer. If you choose to plant hibiscus in containers, it is essential that you put some supplemental fertilizer and plant food. This is because when you water it in a container the nutrients are washed away and the soil has no way of regaining those nutrients. On the other hand, you should use correct measurements as over fertilizing can prevent the flowers from blooming. To encourage flowers to bloom again you should remove dead stems and old flowers before they form seed heads.
Hibiscus bush care, it is significant to check plants bushes occasionally and ensure that there are not being affected by pests like mealy bugs and whiteflies. You should always have neem oil, horticultural oil and insecticidal soap at hand, as these are always effective against most pests.
Different uses of hibiscus
It is a versatile flower that can be used to make different things and serve different purposes. Hibiscus flowers are used to make tea. The tea has a unique flavor and has vitamin c which makes it highly nutritious. Additionally, it is edible food that is used garnish desserts.
It can be used for medicinal purposes to treat high blood pressure, to soothe coughs and inflammations. The hibiscus is a very important flower to many countries. It is a state flower for Hawaii and it is also a national flower for Malaysia and South Korea.
Hibiscus plants are vibrant flowers that enhance beauty to any garden. It is easy to maintain and in turn has so much to offer. Planting hibiscus in a container is ideal. It makes it easy to move around and also easy for the flowers to get the right amount of sunlight, right amount of shade and to also protect it from the cold weather conditions. With the right amount of care and maintenance your hibiscus flowers have a sure guarantee to flourish.
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